

Pathfinders is a fun, social and hands-on way to learn new skills and discover the world God created for us.

Children aged 10 to 15 years attend camping trips where experienced, trained volunteers will teach them survival skills, camping craft and help them discover the exciting wonders of the outdoors.

Children have the opportunity to learn about crafts and hobbies, as well as being offered a taste of future professions they may one day like to pursue.

At North Melbourne Samoan Pathfinder we also focus on service, and many get involved with Clean Up Australia Day, Earth Hour, 40 Hour Famine as well as visitations to Aged Care amongst other things

We are currently meeting twice a month on Saturday afternoons and would love for you to join us for some fun and adventures.

Expedition 2024

North Melbourne Samoan Pathfinder Club 2022

A message for Clean up Australia Day